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Watch: Is remote fun harder than remote work?

At Mobelli we believe that having fun ourselves is just as important as making our customers happy.

We know we can remote work but how do we have remote fun?

Join the #RemoteFun movement and make your own videos – A full checklist is included in the end of the post.

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Read more interesting stories about Coronavirus and how Mobelli is handling it here, in our blog.

The Coronavirus has sent everyone into lock down and Mobelli complied like the rest of the country.

We quickly set up remote workstations for our staff to be able to carry on from home. 

Even our customer delight team is able to help remotely with the use of modern technology and video calling.

But we faced a problem – one that threatened our uniqueness as a tribe!

The Mobelli culture is an important part of our success and we found that it is difficult to maintain culture over technology. We normally do things together as a team.

Since we can’t band together for a while we decided to band together in another way (See what we I did there – Band???)

We like to do things differently here.

What will your company do for remote fun? The video link will direct you to Facebook.

Please share and let‘s start a movement. Tag #RemoteFun and send us a link so we can start watching the whole world join in.


PS – as promised here is how I went about to get the Tribe to participate.

  1. Send a comm to all employees and get the numbers and commitment. Some employees may not have access to data to send the video file, may not have an appropriate phone with a camera or may not want to do it. You need their buy in.
  2. Choose a song or songs and download the lyrics (I Used
  3. Unless you have non rights protected song go to YouTube, choose your song and then convert it to MP3. A quick google search will give you a converter. Download the song and use that particular one. It’s important.
  4. Once you have all your “singers” and you have the lyrics start a spreadsheet with the names in one column and the lyrics in another.
  5. As you plan put yourself a time stamp marker – this will help the “singers” know when to sing and will help you in editing later.
  6. Send the selected lyrics for each person together with a recording of the music to their WhatsApp.
  7. PRO TIP – get them to sing before and after their lyrics have ended.
  8. PRO TIP – get them to still “act out” all non singing sections. If their words are – “I walk alone” and then there is a 10 second guitar solo with no singing have them walk those 10 seconds. Otherwise you will find yourself with no footage while they are not singing.
  9. To make synching easier in post production ask the staff to sing, out loud. You need to see lips moving and you need to align their voice to the music.
  10. To make sure they sing to the words ask them to have the music that you gave them playing in the background. It’s best if you can hear it.
  11. Recording needn’t be in selfy mode. They can position the camera further away on a shelf or a wall, or they can get someone to record them.
  12. Ask them to be creative – that’s where the magic happens. You don’t want images of everyone in front of their wall inside the home.
  13. Not everyone has to sing. In my video I had a “singer” simply dancing.
  14. When getting all the footage lay out your track in the video editing program. To do the Mobelli video I Used iMovie. It’s available on all apple devices. You can use any linear editing program.
  15. Then, in order of appearance trim the recorded videos to line up with the music.
  16. PRO PRO PRO TIP – decide on all transitions at this point. Do not line up and perfectly sync everyone and then go and add transitions. It will throw the synching out. Any change you make to a section that has edited sections after it may throw these out.
  17. This takes time, and lots of P A T I E N C E ! ! !
  18. Note that some sites, like YouTube may not allow you to share music with Rights Protection on it.
  19. If sharing on Whatsapp you may need to cut the file size down a lot. You can use a compressor but that will pixelate the images. If you have text on the images make sure it is quite big and with a thick font. Otherwise people may not be able to read what you wrote.
  20. Tag #RemoteFun when sharing
  21. Let’s start a movement