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WATCH: Why did we enter the art business?

As a furniture company we truly believe that our purpose is to help people design Inspiring Spaces. Creating Memories.


We used art as a complimentary item to our furniture.

The right art in the right setting will make the space inspiring.

Hopefully it will make you want to purchase the entire setting.

But what happens when you want original art to hang in your showroom and the artists don’t want to give it to you?

What happens when you are told that original art only sells in a gallery?

Well, we did what we had to do…

and it turned into a passion project of ours.

Watch and find out what we did.

BONUS – as you watch this video you will be exposed to a revolutionary way of seeing art. With Augmented Reality and your phone you will be able to see the art right now in your own home.

Only have 1 min 43 sec so spare? – watch the augmented reality video here.